Day 337
10th June 2012
I worked through the Sunday after our 7th meeting as if in a trance, so intoxicated I was by the prettiness of the rampant rambler rose and the poetry of the weaving vines. I painted my roses in an array of subtle reds, from tea rose to champagne rouge, peaches and cream to bashful. I don't think I have ever loved pink as much as I did that day.
Despite their humble beginnings, the flowers' insidious invasion was inevitable. Soon, the conquest of that corner of the junkyard was almost complete and it became impossible to tell where these spilling blooms originated. Are they moving out or coming in? Was the door open to welcome or to bid goodbye?

Like the landscape artist I can dream of being only in my miniature world, I deftly planted some beetroot bull's blood onto a bed of tiny stones the colour of raspberry sherbet. The combination was divine, not unlike the tenderest beef cubes stewed in Cabernet Sauvignon.
Stew! I felt the hunger pangs then and saw that the evening shadows had fallen. I told myself, the day is done, I shall stop now.
Day 338
16th June 2012
The 8th Saturday arrived with me still obsessed with all plants red. So I started that day with making an unusual berry plant using some scaly hulls I found while running at an ancient Japanese cemetery; a burial ground that seemed more like a Zen garden.
More painting ensued when I cultivated the tiniest baby's breath into crimson wild flowers and sprinkled them across my field of green. A bunch of spagnum moss was soaked in a cup of primary red acrylics in preparation for my own version of a cherry tree.
While waiting for the spagnum to dry, I painted some more so that little purple plums hung off the mossy tyres I created for a playground meant for all creatures small and wonderful. As if there were not enough red already, I planted clusters of Amanita muscaria, the quintessential toadstools that I thought only existed in the world of gnomes and fairies until I found out otherwise from my dollhouse friends.
While waiting for the spagnum to dry, I painted some more so that little purple plums hung off the mossy tyres I created for a playground meant for all creatures small and wonderful. As if there were not enough red already, I planted clusters of Amanita muscaria, the quintessential toadstools that I thought only existed in the world of gnomes and fairies until I found out otherwise from my dollhouse friends.
Then more wild roses,
and more and more and more,
this time with stems and thorns and vines that seemed to go on forever.
It was way after Teedee had left with his mama that 2 mulberry trees sprouted. There was the shorter, wider one at the playground;
placed there because the branches looked as if they were bursting with cotton candies. Hanging from the same branches were also drapes of nature's ribbons for dancing and merry making.I could almost hear singing ,
Here we go around the mulberry bush; early in the morning...
The tall burgundy one was planted just next to the car just so we could celebrate the freak of nature where 2 different plants might bear the same fruits or rejoice in the harmony of different or heck, jubilate just for the sake of jubilation and for no other reasons whatsoever. Happy for happy sake.
And where was Nat during this whole time?
Around but not near enough and with his 1st love, not me. They were inseparable, my iPad and him. I did find this picture of me though which must have been taken by Nat at a time when he needed space from his love.
And when I yelled for him , he would come running, alone, and asked yes, tata ah yee?
And then disappear before I could give any meaningful answer, as if he couldn't bear to be away from his love even though it was just long enough for me to accusingly whine you no longer care about the junkyard and for him to reply of course I do! But I design you build, right?
Right. See that shadow? That's him always lurking, directing, telling me what he thinks even when he is not with me.
8th Saturday, 16th June 2012
Dearest Sans! your Rose is DIVINE! But I Must tell you it is in NO WAY a Prim-Rose (Or a Primrose which is altogether another kind of Flower!) But it is a Rampant Wild Rambler Rose and it's Thorns are Legendary... (it is the plant which consumed the Castle of Sleeping Beauty...) and it's Scent is Unrivaled!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! All the other plants are secondary (in my opinion) except perhaps the Amanita Muscaria.... which are necessary to counteract the Sleeping Spell of the Legendary Rambler Rose.... (I just made that up... hee hee...!)
You are making a Fascinating and Fantastic Landscape... and I know only too well how much little boys are enchanted by Electronics....
but Nat is very good to come running... he looks like a Magical Sprite himself....!
It looks like you are having so much fun! And I AM Enchanted that you are making such a Wonderful Rampant Rose!!! :):)
Sans this has to be the most beautiful amazing junkyard ever :) I love love all the wonderful plants and flowers. Its breath taking :) One question ? who gets to keep it lol You or Nat : D
Hugs Maria
I love it! A shabby fairytale with so many tales it could tell.
Oh, And I forgot to say that I think the photos taken out in the yard with the green trees in the background are SUPERB!!! The Junkyard blends seamlessly into the world and WE are Lost in the Make Believe....!!!
(And I didn't mean to sound as though I didn't appreciate your OTHER plant creations... it is just that Roses ALWAYS Rule in my Heart...!):):):)
Oh Bets, I meant them to be double primroses but I got lazy and just typed primroses after a while..I know a primrose is not quite like a rose, more like a daisy or maybe marigold? And if you ask me, bearing a name quite unbefitting a rose..heh heh. So you know what? I will change them to rampant rambler roses !! And I will do so right now! Hang on....done :):) THANK YOU! I know you are my rose expert:).That's way way more in line with what this junkyard is about too:).
You are ever so right to point this out to me Bets. After all , I did mention in your blog that I particularly wanted your opinion on this as we both seemed to be thinking the same at about the same time :). So thank you again ! :)
I love taking pictures of this junkyard in my garden. Last night I had a scare when I lost the hard disk with all these pictures for a while. Found it in my rubbish bin at the office! OMGGGGGG! How careless was I?
Really Maria?? Common, maybe you were just wanting to be kind :):). No? FABULOUS ! :):):) AND thank you, my dear, and from the bottom of my heart I say this.
I really wasn't sure at that point if I could pull it off but the idea of what it was to symbolise for me was already formed when I made the 1st flower and of course after Nat gave me his ok, I couldn't stop. Let's see what you think again when you see the finished junkyard, we are almost done :).
Susan, you made me smile so wide I couldn't see :):):).
We built this junkyard with many stories (you should hear Nat explain it to whoever wanted to listen ) and I am glad they all could be told to you :). Or at least all that can be read at the moment :)
sin palabras!
I would never have imagined a junkyard could be so magical!!!
I love how beautiful it has become by all the lovely flowers you added!
It's a very inspirational project Sans...a new project is already taking form in my head :-)
And Nat on the Ipad instead of helping you.....I can't help smiling about that ROFLOL
The plants are suberb, if you carry on like this the mini will be gone in a few days ;-).
Realy like this project a lot!
Una maravilla, todo lo que diga va a ser poco por este excelente trabajo!!! Me encanta!!
This is fabulous! I like the pictures.
Bye Faby
This is not a junkyard anymore, it's more like a modern version of Sleeping Beauty... or the most magical, enchanted version of a fairy playground. I really do believe fairies are easily able to arrange with modern stuff like abondoned cars... the thing that counts is beauty... and if you're lucky, a little fun, too. And I had a lot of fun... "I design, you build" (LOL), clever boy! ;O)
Your work is fantastic. I love the colours of the roses and the other flowers. Greetings to Nat :)
Hugs from Craftland
Dear Sans, thank you so much of these enjoyable photos and story!
I don't need to say that I love your pink theme! _What comes to your little rascal Nat..boys are boys every where you go! ;D And so are!♥
Hugs, piikko
Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful!!!(Nat's too.;D) I don't know what more to tell you. Everyone just said what I am thinking.:) You should change your job, dear Sam. But of course if you'd plant these plants in reality we'd have to wait for years to see the junkyard looking THAT charming!:D
Beautiful red plants and lightnings behind my window.;D
Cada vez me dejas más impresionada. Me encantan todas tus flores y todos sus colores, se ve todo tan real.
Impresionante trabajo.
Que simpatica la foto de Sans, no todo va a ser trabajar,tambien hay que divertirse.
Muchos besitos.
Sans! I am in awe and don't have any words to describe what I feel looking at your creation! Such an amazing example of life and death, you don't know where life starts or ends. I see more life than death. Very picturesque contrast! Thank you very much for this creation!
Sans! I am in awe and don't have any words to describe what I feel looking at your creation! Such an amazing example of life and death, you don't know where life starts or ends. I see more life than death. Very picturesque contrast! Thank you very much for this creation!
This is not a yunkyard, this is a fairytale :D!! It is a gorgeous story of an auntie and her dear nephew, is a never ending story! Susan, you can write all this like real stories, I love to read them. I also love the flowers for this yunkyard and especially the range of red colors you used. It is fantastic work!
Hugs, Ilona
Nothing to add.
I only want to see it in real when I come.
Nat is just precious, the voice of innocence ..although he knows very well how to twist facts to his benefit ;o))
Hugs, Ro
I swear to you Sans, that a writer could create an entire novel around the scenes that you create! There is a mood and a mystery in every piece! I love it and I know your adorable nephew does as well! hugs, ara
Margriet, I am running over to your blog to see what you have started!
Ok, looks like you haven't posted yet about your new project but quick quick! I want to know :):).
Yesterday, we finished the junkyard but I am having one hell of tough time trying to take pictures ..ARGHHHHH! I am so frustrated I am here to read my comments so I can be cheered up..heh heh :)
And just 2 comments and I am feeling loads better now. You guys are my angels :)
Nat...hmm..sometimes I can only throw my hands up in heaven, exasperated ..:)
Remco, you are 110% right...all my cars are almost gone , one of them like really really disappearing :):).
Your words of encouragement mean alot! Really appreciate you always stopping by to give me a man's point of view since I really can't figure my nephew out sometimes LOL!
Muchas gracias Cote :)
Thank you Faby.. I have just finished taking some pictures of the completed junkyard. Haven't felt as impatient and excited to share for a long time..maybe since the time when I finished the tribal house :).
Birgit, you sure are making me really happy now with those compliments:).
Like you, I believe in the reality of fantasies and if it is fantasy, anything is possible. Like modern cars with ancient fairies :). And this is nature, everything can fit if they are in the rights state :).
About Nat, apparently he's been over to my other sister's house after school so that he can play on HER Ipad! :):) My sis, SuZ asked him the classic if me and my Ipad drop into the ocean, which one will you save. Of course his answer is the Ipad!!! Because it is not WATERPROOF, he said!!!!
Nat says hi, Craftland :). And thank you for the sweet compliments. 1 am :).. will continue this tomorrow as I can barely open my eyes :)
I'm taking a break from miniatures Sans ;-)
I'm reading a lot at the moment and with the wonderful weather we had the last days it almost feels like summerholiday!!!
And new projects can take years before I start them...or I could start never know hahaha
Piikko, will you believe I have never been into pink as a child? For a long long time my favourite colour was blue. I did go through a pink phase when I was an adult and all of a sudden, I was also into bling (shiny stuff but not clothes or jewellery, maybe like handphone cover or wallet), flowers and girly stuff :). That lasted for a few months and then I got back to being grunge again ..hahaha :).
Goodnight, my friend :)
The invasion of the vegetation in your junkyard is magical! Looks like I'm in a dream. Amazing! He is second only to Nat, who is a lovely little angel. (Forgive me auntie, but I'm in love with him) ;)
Ewalina, I just love that window of yours because it always promise something spectacular :).
And your suggestion that I change job, you bet I am really thinking about that more and more... not changing but taking a break :):).
Sometimes when I built this junkyard, I actually fancied being a real life gardener. Or landscape artist and I will use all sorts of rusty things in my garden ...and no one will want to touch it for fear of getting tetanus! hahahahaha
Teviro, usted es un ángel para salir de esas dulces palabras :). De Trabajo sobre el depósito de chatarra es como vivir mi sueño de crear un jardín de la magia :). Ya de niño, me encanta estar en mi jardín de la escuela y hacer creer que mi casa está ahí y el tronco del árbol es mi silla y un arbusto mi armario :). Me encanta estar allí en el depósito de chatarra y es un placer tenerte conmigo :)
Así que sí, estoy teniendo un montón, un montón de diversión :).
Natalia, THANK YOU ! For being here with me :). As you have so astutely picked up, this junkyard is me exploring the theme of beauty in decay further, an extension of my rusty suitcase garden :). And of course the collaboration with a 7 year old boy, looking through his eyes, finding his meaning of beauty.
It was very interesting how he and his sister react to rust very differently :). Nathaniel played with the cars like they were still good and looked for anything that worked so he could conclude that the car was still useful. The sister wouldn't even touch anything rusty :).
Ara, I am overwhelmed by your compliments :). I really can't wait to show you everything :):). I don't think I am able to share it with anyone else the way I can share it with the friends in this community. You guys just spur me on all the time :).
For Nat, this junkyard is for play and when I told him it was a pity that the cars were to be glued down, he said it was ok since he could still play with the swing. But I won't kid myself, he will be bored with it soon enough. Until 20 years later when all the colours are gone from this junkyard (or graveyard)..maybe then he will think of this time but that's good enough. :)
Thank you dear Ilona :). These stories are as real as they get :) and I am glad you enjoyed them because real life and talking about your kid / nephew all the time can, let's face it, get tiresome. The junkyard diary is to record these precious moments I spent with Nat because who knows how long they will last right?
I asked him this evening whether he would still want to come over to my place now that the junkyard was done and he said yes. What if I don't allow you to play with my iPad, will you still want to come? I asked him..his answer : I think so.... (??!!)
Ro!!!! Kids are not that innocent and you know it! :):) I have been talking about you to him but he cannot seem to remember names. So you are my friend from Italy who will be visiting soon :).
Margriet, I totally know what you are talking about! I miss reading a book. Between work, running, dancing, mini-making and blogging, I only read my books in the toilet now. Use to be I read in bed but now I am on the blog till I get too sleepy... :)
That didn't stop me from buying books though and I think I finally found a book I will really find time to read. Mozart's Last Aria with tantalising teasers like "musical genius.masonic initiate. murder victim?" in smaller letters after the title :):). Novel about him possibly murdered from his sister Nannerl's (sounds almost like Nathaniel) perspective.
Eliana, thank you :). I am afraid it may be unrequited love at this stage. I told him today that I think there are more girls who are in love with him. I asked him if he wanted to meet these girls.
I am very very sorry but his answer was : yes! Then I can box their ears!
...............ya me parecia a mi que "la chatarreria", iba a convertirse en un fantastico jardinera que tienes dentro, sale en todos tus trabajos jejeje
Me encanta como consigues ese realismo..........y me encantan tus m a r a v i ll o s a s fotografias!!!!!!!!
besitos ascension
Oh, your junkyard looks really artistic. Love it! Where do you always get your ideas?
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