MY DARLING DARLING SISTER, SuZ has finally waved her magic wand and gave me a most gorgeous rendering of a palace I can only dream of. Her genius beggars description so I now present her art:
Front Elevation-Artist's Impression (rendering is based on Win's 1st plans):

I know the plans kept changing and until the house is actually built, your guess is as good as mine as to how it will eventually turn out. Whatever happens , these precious , precious gifts both my siblings gave me, I will forever treasure. I am so blessed.
The rendering is beautiful! By the way, with all the detailed carvings, it might be worth your time to learn resin-casting. That way you can make a mold of one of the latticework panels for example and make multiple copies with two-part resin.
Sumaiya, thank you :).
On baking clay objects, can I use a microwave oven?
And yes, thanks for the suggestion of resin casting. Will learn more about that.
We are also sourcing for craftsmen from India to help. And I will visit Chris at his workshop to take a look at his machines/tools/equipment.
Its magificent Sans,
To beautiful to decribe.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful gift from your sister.
Nappy New year from the states Dear.
XXOO Marie Antionette
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