I am going to list all the 30 bloggers whom I regard as my blogosistas for the following reasons:
- we are interested in what the other is doing
- we obsessed over the same little things, live in the same tiny world and share the same mini love AND last but not least
- my blogosistas often take the time to leave me comments (even if it is just to say "hey!"), a gesture which I love to bits and will treasure to death because it means they have time for me
So here they are, THE BLOGOSISTAS:

Sumaiya Mehreen (US), who will always be the 1st person to follow my blog and is always popping over to see what I am up to and giving me the time of day by leaving comments. Her work were frequently featured in this blog under Palace Dolls or Palace Artisans. Her
doll blog is listed here under Master Artisans.

2. Justus (Canada) who is building a haunted manor called
Harmer Manor. I believe she was my 1st follower of my other blog which has since been renamed- The Beginning. She was thus also here during my early days when we were both just starting out. If I am not wrong, she, like me, has yet to buy a house.

Daisy Capri, (Sao Paulo, Brazil) the 1st person to ever give me any award and who is part of a fascinating group of miniaturists. I featured her blog on
Day 36 of this blog and passed her the Fabby Blog Award.

4. Debbie (Wales, UK), of the famed
Tiny Treasures, seems to know almost anyone and everyone and is always always taking the time to give someone a kind or encouraging word. She is much admired for her work, her generosity and her dedication.

Doreen Playter (Ontario, Canada) who's blog
Doreen's Miniature Projects and Tuts inspires me more than she can imagine. I have just started a projects blog,! I also love how she uses her dolls in her photos (oops, is that why I use my dolls so much too?)

6 & 7. Mercedes and her little helper, Liberty (New Zealand) at
Liberty Biberty. (Hi Liberty! Glad you like the flowers) Merce made this more fun by introducing me into the world of SWAPs. She is like the super model of the mini blogosphere and can set anything into a raging trend, latest being the "book background trick".

8. Meli (Malaga, Spain, hey, I was there in year 1998?) whom I look to whenever I want to throw my stitching into the bin. Go see her bathroom (
Casita de Meli) and kitchen and reading room and something in there is stitched by her. Salute, Meli.

Erika (Jonkopings, Sweden), who is also an early follower. She is a young miniaturist and is always cheerful. She gave my my 1st award for the other blog :) which at that time has ONE entry. The post announcing the award was my 2nd so Erika, thank you, sista for giving that blog a chance.

Rosanna (Genova, Italy) who deserves this award just for posting
100 times but seriously, she is a true Sister. I don't know if I will ever bear giving away something as beautiful as her
Yellow Room she made for Simone. Here's to your GENEROSITY and more feedback on my blog :), Rosanna!

11. Brenda (Texas, US) is getting this award for the 2nd time because she is so darn popular :). I love
her work which she does in such an unassuming and matter of fact way. I featured her blog at
Day 20 when I gave her the Blog Award.

12. Eva (Barcelona, Spain) has awards coming out of her ears but well, I hope she has some more space , because here's another one, Sis! Eva makes a wide spectrum of minis which you can see at
her blog if you can sieve through all the posts about awards, that is.

13. MiniKat (Chicago, US) who muses in
Little Thoughts from An Average Mind about love, life and the universe, is obviously no average mind. Poor Kat is going through pain but if we all have our travelling pants , Sister, we will pop by your house, share a cuppa and then discuss "little" thoughts to our hearts' content. Thank goodness we can still do it here. Cheers!

Jean Day (British Columbia, Canada)belongs to a super duper nice artist who seems to have time for everyone. She is the only one I know in the blogoshere who has done 1:144 (not a mansion but a room box(!!) of a Victorian drawing room!!!) She also makes the most exquisite books and of course, she was also on my
Day 20 .

15. Sandra Morris,
a Toymaker- rolls words off her fingertips the way she rolls life into her clay, exquisitely. She is also roll off the floor funny and does not have to resort to cliche, like me (I have been at this post for 2 hours so excuse me please as corns are growing on my fingers already) . Another blogger featured on
Day 20 for the Blog Award,
The following sisters gave me encouraging feedback on my one entry blog (at that time) for which I will always be grateful-
Fluffy Bricks (Australia)- Chock a Blog of information. It is a must visit.
Las minis de Katy-Another multi award winning blog which is a must vist
And here's a toast to the sisters who follow my blog *mini clink
Casita Mini- Amazing amazing work but if someone knows where to leave comments on her blog, can you tell her about this award? Thank you!
lotjesdollhouse- for an eye-popping experience. Her blog was featured on
Day 20 for the Blog Award as well.
Dollhouse Villa Hertta- Her blog was featured on
Day 20 for the Blog Award as well.
Tracy Topps Miniature- I am her 1st follower ! Hoot! But she has 5 other blogs and is an accomplished miniaturist :)
Minna's Doll World - Minnan nukkemaailma -well organised blog make for pleasant reading. She even serves coffee if you go check her out NOW!
Taenias Miniatures-Astounding work ! Another blog that was featured on
Day 20 for the Blog Award.
Brincando de Boneca - Another blog with lovely work. Must check her out!
Can Tonyina Minis - Another superb blog.
Tallulah-Belle Originals- This is 1 blog which I will give all my awards to if not for the fact that she is already inundated with them :). Her blog was featured on
Day 20 for the Blog Award, of course.
Treefeathers- A beautiful blog features her beautiful work
NJD MIniatures where Vicky Guile showcase her whimsical work of fantasy plants and pots.
The Garfield Manor by Kathy Calhoun who's blog I am following very closely because she too has just started building a house.
Miniatura Dora belongs to Dora from Spain who is also building a palace!! She's my latest sister and a warm welcome, Dora. I hope you will enjoy my palace too.
Rosanna gave me this award today. Click on the pic to see who my 5 choices for this award are.

Hi San
I am very honored with the prize.
You always remember me, thanks!
Hi San Thank you so much for the Sister Hood award and for your very kind words about my blog..
Big Mini Hugs
Hi San
I feel really honoured. Thanks a lot my friend.
I will post it as soon as possible.
A Huge mini hug!!!
I'm proud to be your blog sister! :D
Love and hugs,
Paljon kiitoksia palkinnosta ja iso halaus sinulle !
Many thanks for the award and a big hug to you !
What a lovely surprise! Thank you so much San!
Hey Sister! Liberty and I thank you! You are actually the first person I have ever swapped anything with! Being likend to a super model, well that's a first for me, I like that!
Have a great day sister, I'm off to miniatures club for some more inspiration.
Thank you, again. I appreciate the mention. I hope I can be the little sister, the bratty one, as my own sister says.
So you shall be, Kathy :). Been following your house and hope to learn how to wire a house from you.
Sans, I found out today that I'm on your sister list!! It's an honor to be included!!!
Many thanks for thinking of me.
Warm regards,
Aww! Thank you so much! You're most certainly not mistaken in the least - I have yet to purchase the house itself (but like you, that doesn't keep me from increasing my collection of things for it~!) <3 J.
Oh yes, I now have so many side projects..
Why did I only just find this now? :)
Left a comment on your Bag End entry, I did! I just checked :). Thank you for popping by. Keep up your great work!
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