Now I am making these pictures of the

These flowers however are good for big scenes. Like when you need to build a bazaar or have them strewn in a wild desert. And nobody is really looking at the details. I also like them way more than the clay ones for these are made of paper in every colour imaginable.
But when I say there are not many varieties, I am not kidding. They just make the same specie in many hues. So you will not find cherry blossoms or birds of paradise. Nor lotuses or even water hyacinths, the latter of which are grown abundantly in the rivers of Bangkok. In fact, hyacinths procreate so rapidly that they have become a menace to Bangkok waters. And our friend SuWan is a national hero because he pioneered a way of making beautiful furniture out of them and consequently, bagged a string of awards and accolades for his achievements.
And thus my "make-shift" stall may look busy; Alas, it sells only
which were probably 1st cultivated in Northern Persia; considered by many as the most beautiful of all flowers; available in every colour except blue and true black and in the 19th century, old scented versions were used to make jelly.
گل داوٴدی٬ سدابہار٬ ستارہ نما پھول or Chrysanthmumswhich had been cultivated in Chinese gardens for more than 2,500 years; were considered one of the four Chinese noble plants along with bamboo, the plum, and the orchid, therefore peasants were not permitted to grow them in their gardens although they make great Chinese tea; and REMEMBER, no bringing Rosanna bouquet of chrysanthemums because in Italy they are associated with death!
بنفشہ or Violets
with colours varying in the genus, ranging from violet (which the stall has none), through various shades of blue, yellow, white, and cream, whilst some types are bicolored; and you eat them with salads or to ease urinary complaints ; and through centuries have inspired common sayings including:
Dream of violets and advance in life.
Wear a garland of violets to prevent dizziness.
Violets are considered a good luck gift, but when violets bloom in autumn, epidemics will follow within the year.
گلابی پھول or Carnations also available in a huge range of colours, almost all except blue, are edible (yums!) and where folklores are concerned, have the following meaning
Carnation (pink) - I'll never forget you
Carnation (purple) - Capriciousness; whimsical; changeable
Carnation (red) - My heart aches for you; admiration
Carnation (solid color) - Yes
Carnation (striped)- No; refusal; sorry I can't be with you; wish I could be with you
Carnation (white) -Sweet and lovely; innocence; pure love; woman's good luck gift
Carnation (yellow) - Rejection; disdain
Leaves which weirdly enough, was the one that got me the most excited, so I bought 300 of them.
I can see it already,
my little flower stall in the bazaar...
and there She is, setting up and getting ready, way before the break of dawn
the owner of the stall and the nicest of the nice,and whom I shall named Tallulah, our flower girl..
and as we watch her swaying in,
with her uncompromising choices (for the rest she has trashed),
a small group is already gathering;
even before she puts down her last basket

And just as we speak,
( bless Rosanna who is always right, the stall is indeed the most sought after)
the best of Rajasthan is already here
so much so you can see how our poor flower girl
is already suffering a head ache,

or maybe
she is still just bothered,
about the last pair of eyes she tried to sculpt
and how the blue of those eyes
just refused to match the Palace Gardenias...
Beautiful flowers my friend! I love those chrysanth's and carnations. You are having fun aren't you?!
Beautiful flowers!!!!!!
It is again a lovely blog,
hug, Sylvia
Ah bless you LOL.
Yes the yes were what did it...and how did you know they were to be the color of gardenias huh :-)
The trashed bit just cracked me up...as did the small photos.
I am proud to be your little flower girl...even if I do have a bad head :-)
Oh and those flowers...you are right I don't use them. I used to though and they came from Thailand. I just sent a load to Marsha
Perfect for what you want though....I have kept some to use in my florist shop ...whenever I finish it.
It seems that Tallulah's stall is already a flourishing enterprise :-)
Your basket looks great with the leaves!
Mercedes, you can always tell, can't you, when I am having the most fun? lol. My dear, where are the measurements I ask of you? I want to go to NZ and drag you to your email box so you can reply to me! And NOW! :)
HEYYYY Sylvia, my other flower girl! I was just looking at my dolls and thinking I need to have 2 dolls for both my flower girls so that at all time, they are each carrying their own flowers.
Helene, bless you bless you bless you for always always noticing and making me repeat myself, lol. I need to make more of these baskets for the upcoming project. Good thing I have another one of the barrels. And yes, you bet your bottom dollar, Tallulah Enterprise will thrive and flourish.
Jayne, I have just popped over to Marsha's and are you as amazed? What coincidence, 2 posts simultaneously about the same flowers, the same girl, the same intention to build a flower mart??? It's you and the black magic! or maybe its the spirit house...hmmm
I tell you when I saw those toy- boy pictures of yours , I really flipped. The blue eyes! My goodness, they all have the most intense blue eyes. And yes, I know about the gardenias cos all true blue [sic] eye artisans will want to match their eyes with my Persian Blue Palace Gardenias.
I am glad you like my girl. I wanted her to sway in with her own flowers but I already took the pictures not knowing that she was going to be Tallulah. I am having such a nightmare with blogger and had major alignment problems with my post so I didn't want to repost a new pic. By the way, I am the Tallulah Belle in the alignment and formatting of my post so you know, all pics + text must sync perfectly. To my horror, I just found out that if you read the post using different browsers, they align differently!! What a disaster! So what should I do, Ms Perfectionist? I am dying here knowing that some pics of mine are not perfectly aligned with my text in IE cos I use mozilla.
Anyhow, did I make her nice enough for you? re: your email long ago.
Morticia says the roses look fantastic.... very nice throny stems!! haha! Looks great as always! I personally like the white chrysanthemums (not sure I spelled that right!) How I wish I could have gone shopping with you!! -ara
Ara, do you know that Morticia was nearly in this post? I was going to type " for the rest she has trashed or sent to Morticia Addams for the stems" but that's just not Jayne's style. If it is not good enough, even the roots must go to the bin..lol!
Ara, for my next visit, I plan to go to the market every day for 3 days . You can join me then and we will have loads and loads of fun. You will need another set of furniture for storage of course.
I have a lot of fun reading the whole post. I love flowers!
And it is amazing how you can do such a great work explaining the meaning of every small thing and because they are present in your palace.
It delights me that the flowers have a meaning and speak for ifself. So many beauty and color make my day happier. Yesterday my husband gave me a wonderful bouquet of flowers to celebrate our 10th Anniversary ;-).
The flower stand is wonderful, you have a great talent Susan. It seems that there is alive, people buying and moving for the market. I love it!
A huge hug
!Que maravillas!, no me canso de visitar su blog, es precioso, y una fuente de inspiración, felicidades y gracias por tanta belleza.
Sans your post did make me laugh, especially having read Jayne's post. I think Tallulah is the perfect name for your flower seller..x
Eva, I am so moved by what you said and the flowers from your husband... I feel your happiness, my dear friend. I think in this community, we all share the same thrill when someone appreciates what you do. I always worry whether I sound sincere enough when I say "thank you" :) to these people . So I hope you can feel how much your words meant to me when I say "thank you!"
You know this scene that I made for the stall is my favourite, after the inside of my tent (I am still not happy with the "outside".) I love it precisely as what you have written, that the stall feels "alive". Because of that I went out today and bought 17 more dolls. LOL!
Dora, su estímulo es la razón por la que esta haciendo el amor una y otra vez. Gracias. Espero que se traduzca correctamente, porque es desde el fondo de mi corazón!
Yes, I really mean that , Dora and it is words like that that keeps me going even on a bad day!
Debbie!LOL! I am glad you agree :)
Hi Sans,it will not only be a stall but a whole botanic garden. You have been so clever at buying loads of them. May be they are not so detailed but the sight of the whole lot is uplifting. Hugs
Rosanna, how do you know that I was going to do a botanic garden ;)? But I feel the same way about the burst of colours. It's..cheery!
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