I am pleased with it, only because my 1st one was really bad. Yes, the one that took me 81 days!
This time, I followed Casey's advice closely. I used a frame, 3 threads instead of 2 and I poked instead of scooped. Now if you do not know what in the world I am talking about, then I am afraid you have to go start and stitch your 1st carpet.
I enjoyed working on this piece tremendously because for the first time, I could see how it would turn out nicely for a change. This must be how the nomadic women felt when they weaved their carpets and really, there were moments when I felt suspended in time, transported to where they were, as I stitched away, lost in my own pleasure.
Do you know that carpet weavers are also story tellers? In their canvas of wool and cotton, with their coloured threads, these women could be sharing with you their daily lives. If you are lucky, you can find in those rare pieces where in the symbols she designed, never planned and always spontaneous, a master weaver could be recounting the tale of how a fool parted with his money.
And so like these women, I weaved studiously, not only an Afghan carpet but also a story. Hardly an original tale, this is a common folklore recounted whenever an Indian child wants to hear an amazing elephant story. So here it is,
This time, I followed Casey's advice closely. I used a frame, 3 threads instead of 2 and I poked instead of scooped. Now if you do not know what in the world I am talking about, then I am afraid you have to go start and stitch your 1st carpet.

And so like these women, I weaved studiously, not only an Afghan carpet but also a story. Hardly an original tale, this is a common folklore recounted whenever an Indian child wants to hear an amazing elephant story. So here it is,
A Weaver's Tale
It was a hot summer day and Mahmood was roaming the harsh Rajasthani desert.On a hike through the bush,
he came across a young bull elephant standing with one leg raised in the air. The elephant seemed distressed, so Mahmood approached it very carefully.
He got down on one knee and inspected the elephant's foot and found large pieces of wood deeply embedded in it.
As carefully and as gently as he could, Mahmood worked the wood out with his hunting knife, after which the elephant gingerly put down its foot.

He got down on one knee and inspected the elephant's foot and found large pieces of wood deeply embedded in it.

The elephant turned to face the man, and with a rather curious look on its face, stared at him for several tense moments. Mahmood stood frozen, thinking of nothing else but being trampled. Eventually the elephant trumpeted loudly, turned, and walked away.
Mahmood never forgot that elephant or the events of that day.
As they approached the elephant enclosure,

The large bull elephant stared at Mahmood, lifted its front foot off the ground, then put it down. The elephant did that several times then trumpeted loudly, all the while staring at the man. Remembering the encounter 20 years ago, Mahmood couldn't help wondering if this was the same elephant.
He summoned up his courage, climbed over the railing and made his way into the enclosure.

Poor Mahmood, he realised too late that this probably wasn't the same elephant.
Sans - this is such a lovely carpet! I really need to learn how to do this... Haha - and you're story took a different turn than I was expection but I liked it! You're so creative :) -ara
Ara, my sweet sweet friend, alas the story is not original, if you google "amazing elelphant story", a dozen versions of this story pops up! lol. Although I dare say mine is the only version weaved or stitched or Indian.
:D ... hihihi
How I laughed at the end...call me cruel but it was too much hilarious. The carpet has come out very well, you are getting too good, shall I have a rival? ;O))
Oh Sans! The carpet is so beautiful! I'm so impressed that you can take such close-ups of it, and it still looks perfect!
And I really had "sans" for your story too! -lol
(in the best Norwegian sense of the word)
As Ara, I had anticipated an other outcome and was thrilled that it didn't end like I thought it would :-)
Sans, the carpet is lovely. You did a good job. I enjoyed the story until the end. I am the type that likes a happy ending.LOL
Sumaiya, hi :) back!
Rosanna, a rival? NO WAY! But a disciple? YES PLEASE! I will make tea, fetch slippers and serve you well if I can learn from you *bow to master weaver.
And to the other master, Casey, thank you! This carpet is still slightly crooked but I think it can be cured. Also after about 3 more in 18 count, I will like to switch to 22 or 25 count.
And then I can weave with happy endings :)
Oh...Hi to you too :D
The previous "hihihi" was me laughing at the elephant story! :D
Helene, glad you could read this before your journey to the big city :). Next time, you will just have to sans the story from my symbols! Please send my sans to mummy and dad and don't forget to bring them the 4% yoghurt! And lastly, it will not be the same sans you :(.
Oh Sumaiya, I know :)
Hi, hi! You're getting the hang of it now, Sans!
Wow! Well done on the carpet! You have an amazing talent!
LOL, thank you Mercedes :)
Your carpet is incredible...
Bye Roberta
Really, Roberta? Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I enjoyed the piece that you did for your mini competition very much :). Can't wait to see more and the flowers that you plan to make :)
Oh My God! This is incredibly beautiful! I am lost in the story of your Maharajah's palace.
Thanks so much for visiting me Sans. It led me to your amazingly creative palace..:)
Oh wow, Bhavna, THANK YOU for popping by. I am a huge fan of An Indian Summer. All your posts are sources of inspiration for my palace. I hope to see you here often :).
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