WHILE I practise my YODA-patience and await Win's sloooooow recovery from post natal exhaustion (that poor guy hasn't slept for more than 2-3 hours straight for at least 5 days now, I think), I twiddle my thumb and hang out at the library or surf ebay's mini world. Oh, and work at my day job, of course.
I have been very good with not spending money mainly cos I have spent them all. But tomorrow, its 2009! A brand new year and a brand new budget..haha..Little India, here I come! I just realise that the word "LITTLE" is so apt. Not only does it describe my favourite hangout, it also describes the world I am building and ..my 2009 budget. Anyway, I am already thinking of ways to scavenge and hunt for freebies.
Example: my exciting new books from Central Lending Library which I borrowed with my nieces' library cards today. Each one of us can only borrow 8 books at a time. (After 31/1/09, its back to 4 books per person.)
On India:

On Dolls' Houses

Until Win is able to finalise the plans , its just hit the books for me. Due date for return -21/1/09. Wonder if Win will be done by then.
By the way, just so you know, SuZ and Win are not exactly in agreement on the layout of the palace. Oh, the humanity!
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