" Rose Mansion " is one of the museum's most famous collections and is based on a 19th century Victorian residence in Los Angeles, now lost to urban renewal. It was constructed by Reginald Twigg to preserve a memory and is regarded as a hallmark piece because of its precise detail and surreal beauty.It has been chosen as one of the ten most significant miniature art works of America in the past 25 years. It took almost four years to complete and elaborate research and study were made of the once famous architecture. Rose Mansion epitomises the best of miniature art in its accurate depiction of a romantic and delicate era.
The following exhibits are featured on their website as some of the museum's "extremes"-

Details of this dollhouse includes an owl, birds' nest, even bees around the flower basket. This "humble" exhibit is probably how the museum starts. Apparently, the idea for the museum originated from the founders', Mr. & Mrs Lin Wen-ren 's extensive travels abroad and their love for buying miniature art for souvenirs.

This has to be the one that I am most keen to see for obvious reasons. (hint:"Palace"). It was created by the renowned British miniaturist team of Kevin and Susan Mulvany and took three years to finish. The grand Palace setting is a faithful rendering complete with regal interiors, royal guards, peasant dwellings and the King's treasure box.

This model of a mine on a treetop is built in 1:120 scale. I am also excited about this one for it remarkably has all the items needed to make a mine work, including a little train carrying loads of ore coming out of the mine shaft.
Although all the works of art are small in size, it is remarkable how wide a spectrum of life and fantasy the museum collection covers. The models are all built to scale, with the 12:1 scale dominating, but there some models at 24:1, 48:1, and of course this one at 120:1.

The most amazing article in this room has to be the world's smallest working TV. There are of course golf clubs and tennis rackets so you wonder how he has time for tv.The roombox is depicted as a wonderful retreat from a hard day's work and one easily picture a distinguished gentleman, looking out into the lush greenery from this room, slowly sipping his cuppa and dreaming of the memoirs he wants to write or maybe blog.

This scene depicts a village in the American west, in 1912, in the midst of a sudden thunderstorm. Each house depicts something special going on.
Despite their size, all of the exhibits not only carry details that are accurate and true to the original, they also tell humorous stories and present places and structures of historic significance.
From the ruins of ancient Rome to the salon of the French King Louis XV, from an old English tavern to a scene from the Phantom of the Opera, I will travel through time and through the architectural styles and fashions of different centuries. In the end I will feel like I've actually been to all these fascinating places.
Most importantly, I will get to visit THE SHOP! In the shop of the museum visitors can either buy ready-made miniatures or DIY kits, including railroad models as well as miniature articles such as furniture, accessories, electrifying material, and lighting fixtures. Poor deprived me..
So awesome! Wish I could go too!
Uh,Oh, San, you'd better start saving now! You're going to be in minature heaven by the looks of things.
Hello Sans!
I salute you and thank you humbly for your kind words ; ) I hope that you enjoy reading as much my blog as I do yours... Your pictures are so exotic to me ; )
Your's Helena (the manager of dollhouse Hertta ; )))
Lucky you, remember to take lots of photo's.
And make sure you have plenty of money to buy up lots of goodies in the shop.
I wish I could come. But it is far tooo FAR for me. Save money to spend at the museum shop, take lots of pictures so you'll show us what you are going to see. Lucky girl.
Ok, Debs and Rosanna, I will save and save . Will bring my friend's Canon camera and take loads of pictures.
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