If I were a sculptor,
I would carve fairies out of stones;
sculpt butterflies from metal.
I would paint my butterflies
with all the luminescent colours of the world
so that their iron wings would shine in the sun
and glow under the moonlight.
If I were a sculptor,
I would work so hard;
I would never rest.
I would sculpt and carve,
grind and pick;
I would work my tools to their bones.
I would not stop until my butterflies really fluttered
and I could hear their wings in the breeze.
I would watch with my tools still in my hands,
as my metal butterflies turned to life
far, far away.
Will you believe me now
if I tell you this abandoned house do make anything
Ro's present in 2012
What is this magical Portugese music? PLS PLS let me know....
Love the butterfly!
Neomi, the title of this song is Ararinha by Carlinhos Brown. It was made famous on the US charts by Jamie Foxx when he sang the English version "Fly Now" in the animation movie "Rio" :).
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these flying butterflies! BEAUTIFUL! This house is changing you into an enchantress dearest Sam! :):)
Hugs and kisses
Breath taking possible! I love your flying butterflies. The photos too.
Hugs, Drora
Amazing!!!! The flying butterflies are so beautiful. The abandoned house is a place filled with magic, I love it!!!
Your butterflies are amazing. I love them pure magic :) I think that you must be a wizard ;)
Hugs Maria
Wow Sans, this is an amazing post. It feels like diving in a fairy world, butteflies in gorgeous colours, everywhere! I love it. Hugs, liduina
Carissima Sans,splendide queste immagini di farfalle dagli svariati colori che sembrano prendere il volo tanto sono ben realizzate.
Ho pensato quando ho visto queste immagini ad una frase che ho letto e che desidero qui trascriverti:
La felicitÃ
è come una farfalla
Se l'insegui
non riesci mai a prenderla,
ma se siedi tranquilla,
può anche posarsi su di te.
Un abbraccio e grazie sempre delle tue risposte ai miei commenti.
Hello from Spain: the abandoned house has magic. Butterflies are beautiful and bring good luck. Keep in touch
I thought it was impossible that you could enchant me even more with your magical posts - but now I know it is possible! Really, this was breathtaking... you've spread pure magic to this butterfly ornament, giving it the appearance of heavy metal, playing with delicate colours and then lightening it up with those butterflies... you are indeed a sculptor - and a magician, too!
A dream becomes real when it stops being just a dream and is experienced.
You realized this dream with your butterflies. So magical!
Hi Sans! It seems that the little house has cast a magical spell upon you thus enabling you to bring forth beauty and fantasy. Your creations have filled me with joy! The butterflies are beautiful and compliment to perfection the aura that inhabits the little house.
Hello Sans! Once again you have made something so very special and have written a story that is so compelling and that completely draws the viewer in. I want to get closer and closer so that I can feel the experience of the sculptor and see how the colors are emerging from the sculptors hands as she transforms the base metal into this thing of rare beauty. The colors of the metals are beautifully wrought Sans and the flying butterflies are like prayers going up to God! I am loving the images that you have shown. You ARE an
ARTIST, Sans, in the fullest sense of the word.
Sorry Neomi, the English version of the song is called "Fly Love" and not "Fly Now"! I always get it mixed up with a brand of clothing I love..teehehe.
Also Carlinhos Brown was I think, the original composer of this song for the movie "Rio" and he eventually sang the Portuguese version for the Brazilian edition of the movie. There was also a duet by him and Jamie Foxx of this song :)
You are the 2nd person who has asked me about the song because it is so beautiful. It has to be one of my all time favourite :).
Ewalina , yes, this house really has a life of its own :) and it can make me do things I never thought I could like be a sculptor. :)
Thank you Drora :). I am glad I had a chance to take your breath away like how you did mine with your very special creations:).
But I am giving the breath back in a heartbeat because you are still just recovering from your pneumonia. Hope the heat is also not getting you down. We have been having a lovely cool few days :). Hooray!
Margriet, that's exactly why I love the mini world. The magic :) and my circle of magical friends :).
Maria Ireland, I am no wizard but psssssstttt, I am a ...witch :)
Liduina, how beautiful you made that sound.."diving into a fairy world"...wow..I'd really love that so much. And to be able to bring my friends with me. That is beyond magic. That will be heaven. :)
Your flying butterflies are fabulous an magical. I like thier colors.
Hug, Faby
Mia cara Manu, sono così commosso dalla poesia che hai condiviso con me. E 'proprio bella!
Sai, quando ero a scuola, io davvero non ho apprezzato poesia o detti molto. Questo fino a quando ho iniziato a scrivere qui in terra blog. E sapete che cosa è particolarmente gratificante? Quando gli amici come si condivide qualcosa di bello come quella bella poesia ti recitato. Posso solo ripetere qui in inglese:
is like a butterfly
If you chase it,
you may never catch it
but if you should sit quietly,
it may fall upon you.
baci e abbracci, Manu
Marta, thank you for letting me know that butterflies bring good luck! May I spread all the good luck to all who visit as well :)
Birgit, thank you :):).
I really wanted to tell you how just a few days ago , I chanced upon your very first comment on my blog. It was in Jan 2011 and you know what was my reply?
"Awwwww Birgit, I like you already!!!! :):) Felt like you have been here for a while cos you are so candid :).
My internet connection is being temperamental again so I couldn't surf much today. But you know I will visit you with every new post and we will be like old pals in no time..haha!"
Now, isn't that just magic seeing as we are indeed old pals now :)?
And about the sculpture, I had wanted to do something like that ever since Rosanna gave me the pair of earrings. She always seemed to have a knack of knowing what I can do with something :).
Eliana, it was as if you have spoken out my long deep seated desire with what might have appeared to be a simple comment "A dream becomes real when it stops being just a dream and is experienced.You realized this dream with your butterflies."
How can I ever leave this mini world now when all that I ever want to do and thought I couldn't can be done here?
I am so glad you are here again, Lucille.
I really do believe in the magic of this house :) especially in the bewitching hours, just me, the house, my music and whatever I was trying to make. :)
It was indeed an amazing thrill when I finally finished installing this piece. I still remembered how I just couldn't wait to show it to someone :).
O my dear Elizabeth, I so want to give you that big bear hug which may suffocate you!
And now that my deep dark secret is out, I might as well say it out loud. Yes!I have always wanted to make art for a living! I think that's one of the greatest joy in life, being an artist. With this humble 1st piece of installation I did in mini, I felt I have finally taken that 1st step.
So, I am thankful beyond words for your endorsement, Elizabeth. I just can't stop telling you all how much all this encouragement means to me.
Si, Carmen, posible, jajaja!
Faby, they are rather faby right? :):) I really think you have such a great name :)
Wow!!!!! This is so beautiful, Sans! I love the flying butterflies and your photos--it's really magical, what you've created. xo Jennifer
Pure visual poetry. A wonderful post full of sweetness and good vibrations.
This work so beautiful is only possible if you're made of a special wood.
Congratulations Sans!
You create magic from the mundane!Your butterflies are like a dream. I do love seeing what you will come up with next, always something more beautiful than the last.
Oooooh!!! This is incredible! I love the effect of the butterflies flying away. So magical!!
Hi Sans! I have been out this weekend, two whole days I could enjoy my beloved sea..........now reading your post for a moment I was back on my fairytale place on the beach. I felt light as these butterflies, I wish I could fluttering all the way back to my beloved sea! Your butterflies are "fairyfabygorgeous" :D! Thank you for taking us with you in your abandoned house again.
Hugs, Ilona
MAGIC! Pure Spell-binding Magic!
I am in Awe! You have done it again! Poetry, Art, Creativity, Beauty and Magic all in ONE Little Incredible Vision.... Wow! WOW! I just can't Believe how Beautiful this is!!!
Thank you so much Jen :). I think this installation has to be my personal favourite thus far. :)
Mara, my dear friend, your words are like music to my ears :). Thank you so much :)
I did make my butterflies with a special tool called "encouragements" :):)
Dear Susan, I am thrilled that you are here again and to say such nice things :).
I am afraid this is an inspired piece and I am not sure if I can come up with another better after this. But I will keep at it ;) and knowing you guys will be here will spur me on.
Thank you Caroline. I have been wanting to do this for a while. Finally I did it and it was on my 1st try too. You know how some things just kind of fall into place easily because you have been thinking about it for so long. :)
O Ilona, like you, I love the sea too. What a dream that will be living by water! One day, I hope to build a house that is near water. :) Perhaps the butterflies will lead me right to where it should be ! :)
BETSY!!!!! I have been waiting for you :):).
I am really eager to hear what the High priestess of Nature has to say :). I was hoping you can connect with this one :).
Thank you 1stly for being here again.And then for the encouragements. I am here thanks a big part to those words.
You know I worked backward on this one. This butterfly sculpture was made before I did the tools and it was when I was making it that I thought, hey what kind of tools would make a sculpture like this? Then of course , the box that I made months ago for these tools. :) Box, Butterflies, Tools. :)
I am going to see now what you are working on.
WOW, I love it!!!! the colors are amazing, something that only you Sans, can imagine and turn into reality...your imagination is a gift from the Nature!
WOW Ana , you are waaaaaaaaaaaaay too kind with your compliments :) but I can't deny that there's some major tingling of pleasure going on here ..teehee.
Ana, you make me feel like a lucky gal to have blog friends like you. Always encouraging ! :)
Sending some butterfly love your way :)
Sans eres pura poesia y tu alma está llena de magia ! Bellas imagenes, aladas palabras y nostalgica musica... Siempre es un placer visitar tu blog, aunque he estado mucho tiempo sin escribir. Un afectuoso abrazo. Mariajo
Your magical, colorful butterlies are fantastic! :)
Wonderful post, wonderful butterflies with wonderful colors.
In the photo where they are all purple the butterflies lookl like paperclip, but they can`t bee, right? It`s metal?
Soy feliz cuando estás aquÃ, Mariajo y tus palabras son como la poesÃa con la música :). Doble el dulce :). Estoy muy conmovido por sus elogios y seguirán me va a dar un largo tiempo :). Gracias desde el fondo de mi corazón :).
Thank you Kikka :)
Mona, it's great to see you here :).
The original ornament was one of 2 earrings. It's made with very thin metal. Rosanna gave them to me to be used in minis , I am sure :). When I took the picture of that one earring before I painted it, I have already removed the hook. :)
Oh, what beautiful post, Sans!, your flying butterflies are so romantic! wonderful pictures...
I believe you, dear Sans! And the photos are migical too...
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