Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Day 359-360- Suitcase Garden For Rosanna

Sometimes when you think you know a person well, you make certain assumptions about her likes and dislikes that may turn out to be quite wrong. 

Not only is she a dear friend, I dare say I am also quite familiar with Rosanna's work, maybe even her style when it comes to miniatures. Precisely because I thought I was familiar, I didn't think my rusty suitcase gardens would fit with her projects or that she even liked rusty. I therefore didn't plan to make her one. It was only when we met in Europe last year that she told me she had always wanted one of my gardens. I was surprised and of course, very flattered. 

As you can see, I am still not convinced she likes rusty that much because I made her a retro flower power   luggage. It's still dirty though but it is not so rusty. 

I used roses as the theme because Ro loves roses. This garden was also meant for the roof top in the massive project she's building now, her La Casa Rossa which means The Red House. Rossa also is just an "s" away from rosa, which means rose. 

I understand that there will be a little cafe on the ground floor of La Casa Rossa. I imagine if Ro is running her cafe, she will want fresh flowers on each table of that cafe as often as possible.

Every few days, Ro will bring up a tray of old teapots which she now recycles as vases to her gazebo at the rooftop for a fresh supply of flowers.

She will walk up to wherever the suitcase garden is and carefully place that tray on the side of the suitcase and she will pick her flowers. 

Perhaps my suitcase garden has some use for her project after all? 
I hope so. 


Neomig said...

what was this cute before last? I loved it!

Margriet said...

I can't imagine someone not liking your rusty suitcase-gardens, but what I'm absolutely sure about, everyone who loves you would love such a perfect gift. Your work is not only amazing, but all the time and effort you put into it to make it so personal....who wouldn't love a gift like that :-)
This little garden is gorgeous Sans!!!

The Old Maid said...

Stunning! :D I am sure Ro is going to just simply: LOVE IT!!! Beautiful suitcase garden! Who wouldn't love it? And those old teapots are cuteeeeeeeest!

Hugs and kisses from all of us!

Sans! said...

Thank you Neomi :):). I am always thrilled when you visit :).

Sans! said...

Margriet, my eyes have been smarting quite a fair bit for some reason. It happened again after I finished reading your comment. :):). I guess your words made me tear :).

The friends who visit this blog have been so amazing and so supportive, what I do is seriously small recompense for what I am getting back from you all.

Every year when I do something like this, I am always a little nervous, wondering if I have go it right for the person I am doing it for :). Friends like you help assure me that I am not too far off :):)

Thank you, my dear Margriet :).

Sans! said...

Ewalina, thank you! About those little teapots, I bought a whole pack of about 30 (?) sometime back thinking I will use a few of them for Rosanna because she has this thing for teapots. But they don't come with lids so they have been lying in a box for years! :):) Glad that I can finally use them. I had loads of fun painting them :). Easy when you make them old..heh heh :)

carmen said...

es una maravilla! pero ...quien podría no querer uno de tus jardines-maleta oxidados ....?

Kim said...

oh- it is just perfect! I think that Rosanna will be thrilled!

Fabiola said...

Bye Faby

Drora's minimundo said...

Beautiful!! Who woudn't love it?
Let's keep our fingers crossed that it arrives safely at Rosanna's.
Hugs, Drora

BiWuBär said...

A little fellow around here just said "Really beautiful... but all those beautiful garden suitcases are only second best because I own the most beautiful suitcase garden in the whole wide world"... *sigh* That is soooooo Fluby... But in a way I have to agree with my little flutterybeary... I think what makes every single one of your suitcase gardens so special, extraordinary and beautiful is all the love and thinking you put in them to make them a ooak personally dedicated to the person (or even beary) who receives them. This one for Ro is another masterpiece, she will be over the moon with it. The idea with the teapot vases and cutting fresh flowers for the Casa Rossa Cafe... you've been spreading your magic once more!

Birgit (and from Fluby, too)

Ascension said...

Perfecta para Rosanna, seguro que le encanta.
Ademas esta el detalle de las teteras.......(haciendome competencia???jejejejeje), te han quedado preciosas y ademas quedan genial en esa maleta oxidada, que seguro tambien le va a encantar....a quien no le gustaria una maleta oxidada por ti???????? jejeje
besitos ascension

Eliana said...

Rosanna will soon have this treasure in their hands. I can imagine her joy ...

Maria Ireland said...

Sans who wouldn't love your very thoughtful awesome suitcase gardens. I know Rosanna will LOVE hers. Each one is so personal and made with so much love. Gorgeous work.
Hugs Maria

Remco said...

Looking good Sans, a bit jealous on Rosanna here ;-)

Unknown said...

I love your suitcase and I`m sure Rosanna will too.

Daydreamer said...

OOOOOH, Sans! Those teapots are Gorgeous!!! I would sit there and smell the roses and admire the teapots, even old and chipped they are utterly charming.... and I would Hope that Rosanna would have a private table on the rooftop of the Casa Rossa underneath her Gorgeous wrought iron Arbor, where she can sit and think about all her Loving friends and drink tea and stitch tea cosies... with all of us there with her in her Imaginary Tea-Party....!!!
You have created the Best Dream Garden suitcases.... I applaud you over and over again for your perception and creativity and generosity! You have spread so much Love around the world with these little Suitcase Gardens... (I look at min Every Day and it always makes me smile!):):):)

Sans! said...

Gracias Carmen :) :). Tus palabras me aseguro y estoy muy agradecido :)

Sans! said...

Far from perfect but thank you Kim!

Sans! said...


Sans! said...

Drora, all my suitcases including this one (except RosaM's) reach their intended recipients :):). I have faith that RosaM will get hers. Just not sure what state it will be in though. I am now thinking is it's the plant materials. Custom may think its poppy or something. heh heh

Sans! said...

You know Birgit, I cannot think of the suitcase garden I made for Fluby without flinching at how bad the crop of strawberries were last season *wink wink. I hope Fluby understands that if I wait for a good crop, I may never send it. Strawberries are notoriously hard to grow in a suitcase :):).

You know, I take so much pleasure making all the suitcases for appreciative friends like you, it feels like you guys are giving me something, instead of me giving you.

sylvia said...

Beautiful Susan!!!!!
Hugs Sylvia

Sans! said...

Ascensión, eres demasiado amable con sus elogios :). Por cierto, sé que por lo menos 2 amigos de casa de muñecas que no aprecian un oxidado, sucio maleta jardín :) :). Les gusta moderno, nuevo, perfecto :). No viejo, sucio y muy muy deficiente :) :)

Al igual que yo, no estoy tan metido en ambiente victoriano. Usted me puede dar una silla perfecta espalda con alas y probablemente voy a ponerlo en una caja :) :).

Y nunca volverá a ser capaz de hacer teteras como tú :) :) soy ninguna competencia en todos! jejejejeje

Sans! said...

Eliana, thank you for your sweet words :)

Sans! said...

Maria Ireland, I was just writing to Ascension that I personally know 2 friends who will not like an old grubby dirty suitcase garden because they are into modern, immaculate and perfect minis :). Just as I am not very into Victorian at the moment so even if I get a perfect vase from that era, it will probably just stay in a box ..heh heh :).

But when I have a friend who can use my suitcase garden, I take a lot of pleasure trying to make one for them :)

Sans! said...

Heh heh Remco, maybe I should make you one too. I have never made one for a gentleman :).

Sans! said...

Mona, thank you! And I love how you transform your fireplace! :)

Sans! said...

Betsy :):):):) You are always always so wonderfully generous with your compliments. I think I am addicted to them ! I no longer remember what my blogging world was like pre Betsy :):).

By the way, I am absolutely sure that Ro will have her table and her chairs and the cushions embroidered by her and her fancy teapots and we will always be there . :)

Sans! said...


Too happy to see you here :):), Master! And thank you for your endorsement :):).

contar said...

a quien no puede gustarle uno de sus jardines son tan bellos, seguro que Rosam, encuentra donde ponerlo para que luzca como se merece.
un abrazo

who may not like one of the gardens are so beautiful, Rosam sure, is to put it to look like it deserves.
a hug

Rosanna Rolla said...

I am skiing on high mountains but I managed to connect
You are all right: I DO love my suitcase which will have a place on the roof terrace and I love my teapots.
Actually I was so bold to ask Sans one of her gardens, I couldn't think that she might suspect that I did not like them.
And she made a great work with mine, even the outside is covered in roses.
Did I already say that I love it?

Piikko said...

Sans darling, I am not sure if Rosanna will like your flower power luggage...
Because she will LOVE IT!♥♥♥
Oh, I wrote that before reading Rosanna's comment.
Well, I was right! :)

malu2 said...

Susan! este jardin oxidado es el más bonito que te he visto,me encantan las flores retro de las tapas, si parece Shabby! de verdad,me gusta mucho!! a quien no le puede gustar?
Un beso de las Malu´s. MªLuisa.

Virginia isabel said...

Rosana va a estar encantada. La primera foto es una delicia.

Sans! said...

Rooooooooooooooo! You are skiing already?

Sorry I haven't texted this 2 days. I have just changed my handphone to one with a higher gig (my sister's, she's upgraded to an iphone 5 and I am using her hand me down :):)). Having intermittent problems with it (yesterday was low volume, I have also lost whatsapp text for a few days). Wanted to text you and asked how you are! Will try again later.

Thank you for loving the luggage, muah muah muah :):).

Sans! said...

Teehee Piikko. You know what? I just read that today is Rose Day! How cool is that ? :):). I didn't even know there's such a day as Rose Day. It marks the start of Valentine's Day celebration! :):)

Happy Rose Day, Piikko!

Sans! said...

Gracias, Contar :) :). Estoy muy agradecido por todo el fomento de palabras :)

Sans! said...

Malu, muchas gracias :) :) :) El aspecto lamentable es siempre popular ja? :) :)

Sans! said...

Gracias, Virginia :):)

besujis :):)

Katrina said...

Hello Sans, I have turned over the leaves of your blog. For me it´s like to visit an art exhibition. Every picture is a work of art. I love the colors used by you. They are glowing. Beautiful! hugs Kati

Sandra said...

Is a lovely present for Rosanna!!!
Your suitcase-garden are really nice.


Rosamargarita said...

Es una maleta maravillosa Susan! Como todas las que haces.
A Rossana sí le llegó?


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