The dark, dingy basement of The Emperor's Emporium- THEN

No, no, no, the witches are not junkies. You see, the HalloWitch Sisters are preparing for the 2009 World Horror Convention ("WHC") in Canada on Halloween. A big deal because all the who's who will be there to showcase their latest poison. The WHC is a BYOB (Bring Your Own Brew) P-A-R-T-E-A. The Sisters will NEED the best if they are to stand a chance against the likes of Tessie of Spiderwort Manor or The Addamses of their Mini Mansion or The Ghost of Haunted San Fran.
But 1st thing 1st:

A conservative neckline for the bodice
with an unmatching but shimmering kerchief at the neck for "drama" effect when flying.
Plain long sleeves with plenty of room for swinging brooms and stirring sticks.
Clashing aprons trimmed with inappropriate black laces along the hem.
No underskirt but a plastic black cone instead,
perfect for sticking the bustle skirt onto with clear scotch tapes so that
the girls don't have their overskirts over their ubiquitous pointy hats when flying in the winds.
with an unmatching but shimmering kerchief at the neck for "drama" effect when flying.
Plain long sleeves with plenty of room for swinging brooms and stirring sticks.
Clashing aprons trimmed with inappropriate black laces along the hem.
No underskirt but a plastic black cone instead,
perfect for sticking the bustle skirt onto with clear scotch tapes so that
the girls don't have their overskirts over their ubiquitous pointy hats when flying in the winds.
The Sisters love their new dresses so much, they never took them off again.
I first spotted them, shaking their bums with their plastic cones showing, at the Rolla's opening acts. It must be just after they have found their claypot/ cauldron (details later). They were standing right at the back and gesticulating excitedly. No one else saw them then despite their garish fashion sense. Well, nothing unusual about the excitement, I thought, everyone was dancing to the music and the performances have gotten better now that Jai has his own Eva's Tabla.
And then, slowly and surreptitiously, I saw Mdm Khaki+Turquoise wriggled and wangled toward the stage. Nothing unusual still, I guess.
She shimmied "seductively" towards Jai..hmmm, well, ok, understandable, which girl wouldn't be attracted to him, right? On hind sight, my alarm bells should have rung then because face-down-flat-on -the -floor was a sure funny way to shimmy.
As if she could read my mind, Mdm Khaki+Turquoise immediately turned around and started to limbo rock! Wow, IMPRESSIVE! Her body was just 1 inch above the floor, completely parallel and levitating(?), heaving towards Jai's feet.
These are the close up shots I took for proof to see if she was indeed levitating or maybe she was just a great limbo rocker:
By the time I realised what she was really up to, like some of you now, the deed was done. Mdm Khaki+Turquoise was using her pointy hat to hook Sissy's basket so that she can steal her!!
And then, slowly and surreptitiously, I saw Mdm Khaki+Turquoise wriggled and wangled toward the stage. Nothing unusual still, I guess.

As if she could read my mind, Mdm Khaki+Turquoise immediately turned around and started to limbo rock! Wow, IMPRESSIVE! Her body was just 1 inch above the floor, completely parallel and levitating(?), heaving towards Jai's feet.

And look! The Sisters are stealing away

Upon hearing my scream, the Rollas sprung into cinematic action. In the art and magic of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", the pair leaped into the air and landed

The tabla flew silently,
over the shoulders of the Rollas who were themselves
stepping over the heads of more dancers,
All of them,
zeroing in towards Mdm Khaki+Turquoise

For Eva's Tabla was right on target
hitting the back of Madam's head

she has toppled over
right into her very own cauldron,
in complete humiliation and pain.
The bag dropped from her hand
and dear Sissy has escaped.
What a relief !
For this was to be Sissy's fate if our heroes and heroine had not reacted in time:

Now the story has not ended but for now, here is an excerpt of the relevant scene, for those of you who have not seen the Academy Award Winner, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" (in case you want to know, Chow Yun Fatt is my all time favourite actor):